For Healthcare Providers
(Hospitals, Clinics, Wellness Centres)

Medical Tourism Consultancy
THS extends its knowledge base and years of experience in Healthcare Facilitation to both the companies and hospitals who would like to make their way to global Medical Tourism Industry.

Medical Tourism Research & Market Development
From exploring opportunities across new geographies to develop the Medical Tourism market-space, THS has solutions for everything. A large number of corporate clients have availed our R&D services and flourished their business.

We are equipped with global talent in Healthcare Facilitation and Marketing. We have not only developed strategies for hospitals but have helped in implantation by fully and partially outsourcing International Patients’ Services for hospitals.

Healthcare Investments
THS continually seeks like-minded organizations, start-ups and hospitals where THS can make capital investment for their further growth and development. We don’t only invest capital, we invest our knowledge & experience too. Institute of Brain & Spine Hospitals, SANAR International Hospitals and SPD India are some of our major investments in Healthcare Industry.

Procurement Services
THS helps its corporate clients, including international hospitals based in Bangladesh to procure FDA approved Pharmaceutical Products, Medical Consumables and laboratory equipment. THS conducts thorough research, price comparisons and other necessary due diligence for the successful procurement of pharma goods. Our team assures of FDA approved products to be procured for our clients.

HR Sourcing
THS provide HR Sourcing solutions to its offshore corporate clients. India is the pool of talent and has vast human resources available. Indian medical professionals (nurses, technicians and paramedics) are respected for their professional ethics and are always in demand. Our HR Sourcing services are availed by our private clients based in Erbil – Iraq, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan and Turkey, for medical staff recruitment.